You're Perfect

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The word no one is perfect isn't quite true, because being perfect is relative. My definition of a perfect life and us might be totally different. You're perfect

Nothing is wrong with your life, you're just fighting hard to be successful so that people can see that you're successful.

If your fight to be successful is truly for you, you would run it at your own speed and pace.

Just stop living for people and stop putting your goals under pressure.


There are good women who are side chicks. Hoes that have perfect relationships.


 Good girls who are being cheated on.


Lazy people who have money.


Givers who are really poor. 


Stingy people who are rich.


Hardworking people who are paupers.


 Innocent people who are in Prison


Thieves walking Freely


Poor people with perfect immune system.


Rich people who dare not skip a week to visit the clinic.


Hungry people with no illnesses,


foodie People with ulcer dilemma.


There are no rules in life,

While trying to catch your lane, Remember to "LIVE" before you"leave
